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Gala Flagello in a red dress holding flowers smiling at Ann Arbor Symphony condcutor, Earl Lee.


March 4, 2024

"The ideas and opinions of commissioners, conductors, performers, future audience members, and even past mentors factor into the unvoiced expectations that tangle in an artist’s brain. Sorting through these assumptions, desires, and intentions takes a little courage and a whole lot of being honest with oneself…"


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Gala in a seat smiling and clapping

Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy of Music

October 3, 2023

"You are stuck. Beating your head against the wall; throwing things at the wall to see what sticks; interestingly, a lot of wall metaphors in this kind of scenario. Perhaps let’s make this a literal, unscalable wall: You’ve been trying to climb for hours—days? Weeks? Months?—but your shoelace came untied and your foothold isn’t secure and your hands are aching and you’re sweating. And once you reach the top, you’ll still have to fight a giant roaring monster named Editing or Approval or good old Doubt, and it happens to take the form of that one teacher/colleague/family member who made you feel like you can’t do this."


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© 2024 by Gala Flagello

Created by Ashley Killam

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